Senior Does

Coyote Kidz Seraphina 4*M (2019 doe) 2023 LA eeev 89

Barn name - Seraphina

Sire: Oak Apple Ardent +*B

SS: SG Old Mountain Farm Cernunos ++*B

SD: SG Old Mountain Farm Helen 3*M

Dam: SH Old Mountain Anahid 3*M

DS: SG Old Mountain Farm Bold Elk +*B

DD: Old Mountain Farm Anahita 2*M

Seraphina is such an amazingly powerful doe and we are so blessed that we got the chance to add her to our herd. She has several daughters still at Coyote Kidz and we are excited to be able to add her genetics to our herd as well! Seraphina has a beautiful 2024 buckling available by CA Blackberry’s Borally 

*Photo curtesy go Coyote Kidz and Round Mountain Creamery

Coyote Kidz Cerise Rouge (2021 doe)

Barn name - Cherry 

Sire: CH Old Mountain Farm Chevalier +B

SS: Old Mountain Farm Stag Knight *B

SD: Old Mountain Farm French Toast

Dam: Coyote Kidz Seraphina 4*M

DS: Oak Apple Ardent +*B

DD: SG Old Mountain Farm Anahid 3*M

We purchased Cherry as a bottle kid from Coyote Kidz dairy and we just fell in love with her. She was our first introduction into the Chevalier lines and obviously we are hooked. She took Grand Champion Jr Doe at The Gallatin County Big Sky Country Fair in 2022. She is a daughter of the beautiful Seraphina and her sire is the one and only Old Mountain Farm Chavalier! You just can’t go wrong with this cross.    

High Prarie B Cee N U (2021 doe)

Barn name -  Big Bee

Sire: High Prairie DH Boots Malone

SS: High Prairie SJ Doc Holliday 

SD: Gabhar Torr SLTJ Rhianna 

Dam: Carman’s Tailwaggers Jaycee

DS: Little Orchard SM Powerball +*B

DD: Carmaan’s Tailwaggers Jacinda 5*M

We are so excited to add this beautiful doe to out long neck herd! Bee comes to us from Calstock Dairy Goats and is the dam of our beautiful Calstock Buisy Bee. She is a dream to milk and we are super excited to start showing her.  

Coyote Kidz Eggja Stone

4*M (2017 doe) 

Barn name - Eggja

Sire: Oak Apple Presto +*B

SS: Proctor Hill Farm To Go Daddy ++B

SD: SG Old Mountain Farm Fast Tempo 4*M

Dam: SG Old Mountain Farm Anahid 3*M

DS: SG Old Mountain Farm Bold Elk +*B

DD: Old Mountain Farm Anahita 2*M

Eggja, Brood doe extraordinaire! Eggja is an older lady who had been producing phenomenal daughters for her previous owner and she hads given us a few as well that we have retained. For this reason only, Eggja is for sale to the right home where she can continue to bless the breed with her awesome genetics. ($450) willing to negotiate if we can keep a doeling out of her this spring. She ultrasounds with at least three kids.   

Hyalite MQ Fleur Noir (2021 Doe)

Barn name - Train 

Sire: Gabhran Creek Marquis

SS: CH Old Mountain Farm Chevalier +B

SD: GCH 5 Fold Farm SCC Princess Poppy 4*M

Dam: Owlhaven P Alia 4*M

DS: Cedar View Placido *B

DD: Owlhaven MH Sugarland 3*M

This beautiful doe came to us after her breeder decided to disperse the entire herd. She was dry when she came to us so this beautiful udder was a wonderful surprise this spring. We absolutely love the length and width that this doe has. She is such a powerful doe and we are very excited to see what the future holds for her in our herd. She is rally one of those that you have to see in person to really grasp her amazing presence. 

Greyn Acres DJ Double D (2021 Doe)

Barn name - Double D

Sire: Dill's RC Designer Jeans *B

SS: Dill's B&R Redneck Crazy +*B

SD: SGCH Dill's BF Glamour 4*M

Dam: Dill's PL Cha-Cha Slide 7*M

DS: Dill's BJ Playa ++*B

DD: Dill's D Watermelon Crawl 6*M

Double D came to us last fall with a group of does after their original breeder did a large dispersal. We were not really in the market but really liked this sweet little doe so here she is. She has a pedigree packed with Dill’s breeding which can never be a bad thing. Double D had a hard kidding in 2024 and as a result did not get back into great show shape until the very end of the season. We have high hopes that things go a bit more smoothly this spring because we have high hopes for this lady in the show ring! Udder picture above was a 12 hour fill only 2 weeks fresh in her second freshening after a very hard birth. It’s not perfect but we see great promise here!

Oxbow Bend S Luna Lovegood (2015 doe)

Barn name - Luna

Sire: Tx Twincreeks Rm Silvio *B

SS: Castle Rock Rainmarker ++*B

SD: SGCH Tx Twincreeks WDF Sarafina 2*M

Dam: AGS Narrow Gate Farm K Spirtz

DS: AGS Kw Farms SH Kipeel

DD: AGS Eagles View Farm Goldie

Luna is truly the kindest soul we have ever had the pleasure of owning. She is a fantastic mom and a fantastic milker. Lunas pedigree is a bit of a outcross for our herd but we love her all the same. She is getting up there in age so we are keeping our fingers crossed for a  replacement doeling so that Luna can finally retire and just live her last few years as a babysitter in the pasture. 

Gahbran Creek Ring My Bell (2021 doe)

Barn name - Bell

SIRE: CH Old Mountain Farm Chevalier +B

SS: Old Mountain Farm Stag Knight *B

SD: Old Mountain Farm French Toast 5*M

DAM: Greyn Acres Mood Ring 

DS: 5 Fold Farm Rocket Man 

DD: 5 Fold Farm Hb Topaz

Pictured above as a yearling FF

Bell is a new and exciting addition to our farm. She comes to us from Gahbran Creek Dairy Goats and she is a daughter of the beautiful Chevalier! We Absolutly love his offspring which you had probably already guessed as he shows up in many of our goats pedigrees. His offspring tend to be a bit slower to mature but the blossom into stunning two and three year olds and Bell is proving to be no exception! Bell is really starting to catch my eye as she has really began to mature into a powerhouse of a doe.

*photos courtesy of Gahbran Creek Dairy Goats

Aspen (2019 doe)

Barn name - Aspen

Aspen is our token Grade doe. She may lac a pedigree but she makes up with it in milk production and style. Aspen also consistently produces large thrifty kids every year and she is the sweetest doe in the herd. In 2022 she was awarded grand champion senior doe and best udder overall and in 2023 she took reserve Champion Senior with another Best Udder in show at the Bigsky Country Fair in Bozeman.udder pictured above with a simple 12 hour fill. A show filled with will stop you in your tracks! Her doelings have previously been sold to 4-H homes or home milkers. If you are interested in amazing quality at a little lower price please inquire about Aspens kids! 

Walsh Kids VV Guinevere (2017 doe)

2023 LA GVVV 86

Barn name - Guin

SIRE: Sierra Aspen BI Vincent Vega
SS: Castle Rock Blue Ice +*B
SD: Algedi Farm DJ Defying Gravity 4*M
DAM: Algedi Farm MH Avalon
DS: SG Algedi Farm MB Manuka Honey ++*B
DD: Algedi Farm SHH Cassiopeia

This lady is truly a gem and the matriarch of the herd. You will find her name in many of the pedigrees already posted. She is just so beautiful that her genetics must be spread! Guinevere may not be the largest or most powerful doe but she is classy in her own right and OMG that UDDER!!!!! She is such a heavy milk producer! 

Photos courtesy of Crissy Thomas

Irish Creek Farms Lavendar (2020 doe)

2023 LA VGV 83

Barn name - Lavender

SIRE: Owlhaven SW Indiana Jones *B
SS: GCH Algedi Farm JD Shotgun Wedding +*B
SD: Castlerock Ice Storm 3*M
DAM: Walsh Kids VV Guinevere
DS: Sierra Aspen BI Vincent Vega
DD: Algedi Farm MH Avalon

 This is another beautiful doe that came to us from the Round mountain dispersment. We are just smitten with Lavender in every way. She has an amazing udder with teat length improvement over her dam. We think she is capable of great things! Keep your eyes out for Lavender and her daughters in the show ring! 

Photos courtesy of Crissy Thomas

Gillis Family Farm Snapoutofit (2020 doe)

Barn name - Snap

SIRE: SG Sugar Moon NS Alejandro +*B
SS: SG Old Mountain Farm Nightshade ++*B
SD: SG Sugar Moon RB Gianna 2*M
DAM: SG 5 Fold Farm CC Ginger Snap 1*M
DS: Proctor Hill Farm Cajun Chief
DD: SG Dill’s GA Little Lamb

What can we say about Snap other than wow. This doe just has an awesome presence about her. Snap is powerful lady and great milker that we are very excited to get on tests this year. 

Photos courtesy of Crissy Thomas

Oak Apple April 23

(2017 doe)

Barn name - April

SIRE: SG Old Mountain Farm Cernunnos ++*B
SS: NC Promsedland TUR-BEAU +*B
SD: Old Mountain Farm Tianna Quinn 4*M
DAM: Old Mountain Farm April 1st
DS: SG old Mountain Farm Kevin Quinn ++*B
DD: Old Mountain Farm Sideways 7 1*M

This doe is a daughter of the one and only Cernunnos! Her pedigree is simply rock solid through and through. April is new to us and came to us when we absorbed the round mountain herd. She is such a sweet lady and is such a pleasure to have around. April was sown as a junior and did really well however she has not had much ring time as an adult due to no fault of her own. She is getting a bit past her show days in her older age now but we are blessed to have her here to produce some amazing daughters for us! 

Her show wins include 

Jr 1X Reserve

Jr 1X Grand

Jr 1X Best in show

Indian Prarie Shooring Stars (2015 doe)

2017 LA V+V+83 as a FF 2 year old 

Barn name - Star

Sire: Old Mountain Farm Edwin Jones

SS: SG Old Mountain Farm Black Tulip ++*B

SD: Old Mountain Farm Lena Horn

Dam: Sage-Acres Dos Cha Ching

DS: Piddling Acres Dash Of Sage 

DD: Sage-Acres R Ciao Baby

Star came to us later in her life. Her original herd dispersed when she was fairly young so due to no fault of hers her performance career never took off. Although she was never shown she has produced several outstanding daughters for us whom have started out strong in the show ring! We are very excited to see what their future holds for them. 2025 kidding season will likely be her last season as a brood doe. We will likely retire star and let her live out the rest of her days in retirement. 

If you are interested in adopting her and giving her a retirement home after she kids then let us know. We may be willing to place her in the right home/retirement setting as a pet.

Goat Forest Farm River (2022 doe)

Barn name - River

Sire: Coyote Kidz First Class FR8

SS: Oak Apple Ardent +*B

SD: Gabhran Creek I H8 Ironing

Dam: Oxbow Bend OT Violet

DS: Oxbow Bend BBS Oliver Twist

DD: Oxbow Bend S Belle Flower

River is a cool little doe. Her Dams lines tend to take some time to grow but we sure like what we see and we think she is worth the wait. River is out of Coyote Kidz First Class FR8 so we are excited to get her on milk tests this year to try to help him earn his +!


Goat Forest Farm Mystery

Barn name - Mystery 

DOB 06/02/2023

Sire: Coyote Kidz First Class FR8

SS: Oak Apple Ardent +*B

SD: Gabhran Creek I H8 Ironing

Dam: Coyote Kidz Eggja Stone 4*M

DS: Oak Apple Presto +*B

DD: SG Old Mountain Farm Anahid 3*M

Mystery was our only yearling FF last year year. Mystery was super easy to transition into milking and has just been such a pleasure to work with. She has matured a tremendous amount over the summer and we are super excited to see how she freshens as a two year old. We have high hopes to get her in the show ring this summer and get her on milk tests. Udder picture above was taken at only two weeks fresh. We know that it isn’t are inspiring, but she improved so much over the summer. We have no doubt that she will freshen as a two-year-old with an amazing udder. 

Van-Goght’s Ash 

Barn name - Ash

DOB 03/05/2022

Sire: Rockin-CB AAM Nior De Nepal

SS: Autumn-Acres AAT Magnum

SD: SG Rockin-CB HPM Jemca 8*M

Dam: Van-Goght’s Olive

DS: Deluna Quattles *B

DD: Van-Goght’s Riley

Ash was the first Lamancha we ever brought home and she is the reason we just can’t get enough. She has just the sweetest and most gentle personality. She is game for anything we throw at her, even if it’s an alien costume! Ash was such a dream to milk this last year with her perfect sized teats that make it amazingly easy to hand milk or machine milk. We are sure that we wont be disappointed in her as a second freshener this spring. Pictured above as a kid. We need to get an updated picture f her. 

Irish Creek Farms Passthepunch 

Barn name - Punch

SIRE: Springwater PPT Atlas *B
SS: Poppy patch OR Titan +B
SD: GCH (pending) Springwater AL Hellooo Nurse 7*M
DAM: Irish Creek Farms Lavendar
DS: Owlhaven SW Indiana Jones *B
DD: Welsh Kids VV Guinevere

Punch is an awesome little doe with some great Springwater genetics on top and out of the one and only Lavendar. The udders backing this girl up are second to none. Punch tends to kind of blend in with the crowd but we have really noticed a significant change in her this fall as she matures into a strong and productive doe. I have a feeling that her second freshening udder is going to be amazing. You see a lot of similarities to her grand dam!

Photo courtesy of Crissy Thomas

Springwater OR Jane’s Journal 

Barn name - Jane

SIRE: SG Sugar Moon NS Alejandro +*B
SS: SG Old Mountain Farm Nightshade ++B
SD: SG Sugar Moon RB Gianna 2*M
DAM: Springwater OR Diary Of Jane
DS: Urban Acres MW Orion *B
DD: Springwater BF Jane Doe 6*M

Ok so here is a little doe that we just absolutely adore. She is the sweetest thing ever and flashy to boot. Jane is the whole package with fantastic breeding as well as her perfect personality. She was another exciting first freshener this last spring. She has nice large teats and is a dream to milk. We can’t wait for her second freshening and we are hoping to get her on milk testing this year. We are pretty sure that she will kill it! 

Photos courtesy of Crissy Thomas

Springwater AL Ridin Sidesaddl

Barn name - Sadie

SIRE: SG Sugar Moon NS Alejandro +*B
SS: SG Old Mountain Farm Nightshade ++*B
SD: SG Sugar Moon RB Gianna 2*M
DAM: Springwater OR Back In th Saddle
DS: Urban Acres MW Orion *B
DD: SGCH Springwater BL Janes Gotagun 7*M

Can’t go wrong with black! Sadie is a cool little doe with some very cool breeding. Sadie landed herself a first in class in the only show she went to as a dry yearling. However as a first freshener she just kind of blended in and we didn’t think she really popped. This fall however she had decided to grow up and is all of a sudden a stunningly beautiful doe! Look out show ring, Sadie is going to smash it this summer!

Photo courtesy of Crissy Thomas