Dry Yearling Does 

Round Mountain BR Sugar Rush 

Barn name - sugar 

SIRE: Old Mountain Farm Brainstorm +*B
SS:SG Old Mountain Farm Stag ++*B
SD: SG Old Mountain Farm Rainedaywomn 2*M
DAM:Irish Creek Farms Lavendar
DS: Owlhaven SW Indiana Jones *B
DD: Walsh Kids VV Quinevere

This is a beautiful doeling that came from an awesome AI breeding done by Crissy Thomas and is a daughter of Old Mountain Farm brainstorm! Unfortunately she managed to come down with a cold on the very first day of the only show we took her to this summer so we didn’t get her in the show ring. We are super bummed but there is always next year. Keep your eye out for this little gal1

Photo of doeling and dam Courtesy of Crissy Thomas


Round Mountain MQ Andromeada

barn name - Drama

SIRE: Old Mountain Farm Meader Quinn *B
SS: SG Old Mountain Farm Stag ++*B
SD: SG Old Mountain Farm Mila Quinn 4*M
Dam: Walsh Kids VV Quinevere
DS: Sierra Aspen BI Vincent Vega
DD: Algedi Farm MH Avalon

This little doe is the product of another one of Crissy Thomas’s amazing AI breedings. She has phenomenal genetics behind her on her sires side and her dam has one of the most beautiful udders we have ever had the pleasure of milking! We are soooo excited to see how she matures! We only got her to a few shows but she consistently placed in the top of her classes. We Can’t wait for her to freshen! She expect her to be a force to be reckoned with!  

Photo of doeling and dam Courtesy of Crissy Thomas


Coyote Kidz Gelato

Barn name - Gelato AKA 2.O

DOB 02/12/2023

Sire: Onaqui BH Bold Ash *B

SS:GCH Old Mountain Farm Bold Heart +*B

SD: SG Onaqui BQ Sweet Pea

Dam: Oak Apple Dolce

DS: Oak Apple Maestoso *B

DD: Oak Apple Yum

Gelato Had a great jr show season. Although it was limited she managed to bring home



1X Best In Show

photo of dam’s FF udder courtesy of Coyote Kidz and Crissy Thomas


Goat Forest Farm Over the Moon

Barn name - Moon

DOB 7/20/2023

SIRE: MT Rivendells 1st Class Ticket

SS: Old Mountain Farm Toru Quinn *B

SD: Cuatlilredbarn Lost Ticket 

DAM: Indian Prairie Shooting Stars

DS: Old Mountain Farm Edwin Jones

DD: Sage-Acres Dos Cha Ching 


Moon is such a nice little doe. She traveled a little this summer to shows with us and consistently landed in the top of her classes. Moon even won herself a best Jr Doe in show at the BigSky County State fair this year! We are so excited to see this lady mature and to get her in the milking string next year! 


Calstock Busy Bee 


Barn name - Baby Bee

DOB 03/23/2023

Sire: Autumn-Acres Matador’s Ephriam

SS: LS Acres Tux’s Matador

SD: CH Autumn Acres Essential

Dam: High Prairie B Cee N U

DS: High Prarie DH Boots Malone

DD: Carman’s Tailwaggers Jaycee

For our first Jr lamancha show goat we couldn’t be more proud of Busy Bee. She managed to bring home a few ribbons this summer



Photo of dams 2F udder

* Photo courtesy of Calstock Lamanchas

2024 keeper doelings 

Goat Forest Farm Amy

Barn name - Amy

Sire: CA Blackberrey’s Borally 

SS: Olliemae Farm WM Abracadabra

SD: SG CA BlackBerry’s Halley’s Comet

Dam Coyote Kidz Seraphina 4*M

DS:Oak Apple Ardent +*B

DD: SH Old Mountain Farm Anahid 3*M 

Amy placed second in her class only to her sister in the only show we brought her to as a jr.

Goat Forest Farm Penny

Barn name - Penny

Sire: CA Blackberrey’s Borally 

SS: Olliemae Farm WM Abracadabra

SD: SG CA BlackBerry’s Halley’s Comet

Dam Coyote Kidz Seraphina 4*M

DS:Oak Apple Ardent +*B

DD: SH Old Mountain Farm Anahid 3*M

One first in class in the only show we brought her to as a Jr.  

Goat Forest Farm Dem Hooters 

Barn name - Hoot

Sire: Mt Rivendells Forest Class Ticket

SS: Old Mountain farmToru Quinn *B

SD: Cuatlittleredbarn Lost Ticket 

Dam: Greyn Acres DJ Double D 

DS: Dill’s RC designer Jeans *B

DD: Dill’s PL Cha-Cha Slide 

1X  First in Class in the only show we brought her to as a JR



Goat Forest Farm Joleene

barn name - Joleene

Sire: Coyote Kidz Howel Pendragon

SS: Old Mountian Farm Chavalier +B

SD: GCH Coyote Kidz MR Nausica 7*M 

DAM: Indian Prairie Shooting Stars

DS: Old Mountain Farm Edwin Jones

DD: Sage-Acres Dos Cha Ching 

Jolene had an awesome show summer and although she consistently placed in the top of her class everywhere we went including two first in class spots and a second in class she never managed to secure a ribbon. She is ready to bring her A game to this upcoming show season and bring home a ribbon! 

 Goat Forest Farm Riddle Me Dat 

Barn name - Riddle

Sire: Coyote Kidz Howel Pendragon

SS: Old Mountian FarmChevalier +B

DS: GCH Coyote Kidz MR Nacissa 7*M  

Dam: Eggja Stone 4*M

DS: Oak Apple Pesto +*B

DD: SG Old Mountain Farm Anahid 3*M

 This little gal was a bit of a flower on the wall all summer. It wasn’t until show season ended that she really blossomed. We are pretty excited about how she is turning out and we can’t wait until we can get her in the show ring. 

Round Mountain Bourbon Blondy

Barn name - Blondy

Sire: Wolfivan CQ Kentucky Bourbon 

SS: Old Mountain Farm Cyrus Quinn

SD: SGCH Joyful Hearts KR Phoebe 2*M, 4*D

Dam: Walsh Kids VV Guinevere 

DS: Sierra Aspen BI Vincent Vega

DD:Algedi Farm MH Avalon

Blondy is a darling little doeling out of our beautiful Lavendar doe. Although they are hard to see, this little gal is covered in moon spots from head to toe! We are so excited to watch this little gal mature.

Round Mountain Angel’s Envy 

Barn name - Envy

Sire: Wolfivan CQ Kentucky Bourbon 

SS: Old Mountain Farm Cyrus Quinn

SD: SGCH Joyful Hearts KR Phoebe 2*M, 4*D

Dam: Irish Creek Farms Lavendar

DS: Owlhaven SW Indiana Jones *B

DD: Walsh Kids VV Guinevere 


Angel is another awesome product of a Kentucky Bourbon AI breeding. This little moonspoted, blue eyes, beauty should mature into an amazingly producteve and competitive doe!

Calstock Shamrock Smash 

Barn name - Shamy

Sire: Rockin-CB KT  Richter

SS: Kastdemur’s Trendsetter

SD: Rockin-CB AAM Parker

Dam: Kidco VC London Fog 

DS: South-Fork KV Vector

DD: Landrun MH Bahama Mama


Little Shammy came to us from Calstock Dairy Goats. We were not really searching for another Lamancha but we believe that all things happen for a reason so here she is. She is such a doll and we love having her here.

*photo credit of  Gabhran Creek and Calstock Dairy Goats.