Doe name Buck Name Due date Kidding date Doe Kids Buck kids Reservations
Coyote Kidz Eggja Stone Round Mountain Brothers Bond 4/16
Goat Forest Farm Mystery Springwater OR Atlas 4/30
Coyote Kidz Seraphina Mt Rivendells 1st Class Ticket 4/03
Gabhran Creek Ring My Bell Dill's ROD Loose Lips 4/3
Coyote Kidz Cerise Rouge Coyote Kidz First Class FR8 6/10
Hyalite MQ Fleur Noire Round Mountain Brothers Bond 4/29 One Buckling reserved, 1st doeling retained
Springwater AL Jane's Journal Coyote Kidz First Class FR8 4/30
Springwater AL Ridin Side Saddl Coyote Kidz Howl Pendragon 4/30
Oak Apple April 23 Round Mountain Brothers Bond 5/7 First doeling retained
Gillis Family Farm Snapoutofit Dill's ROD Loose Lips 5/19
Walsh Kids Guinevere Coyote Kidz howl Pendragon 5/17 One doeling retained, one doeling reserved, one buckling reserved
Irish Creek Farms Lavendar Coyote Kidz Howl Pendragon 4/23
Irish Creek Farms Passthepunch Coyote Kidz First Class FR8 4/22
Indian Prairie Shooting Star Round Mountain Makers Mark 4/13 One doeling retained
Goat Forest Farm River Springwater OR Atlas 4/24
Greyn Acres DJ Double D Coyote Kidz Howl Pendragon 4/5
Oxbow Bend Luna Lovegood Round Mountain Brothers Bond 4/29 One doeling retained, one doeling reserved
Van-Goghts Ash (Lamancha) Calstock Bourbon Street 5/14
Round Mountain MQ Andromeda. Mt Rivendells 1st Class Ticket 4/18 One doeling reserved
Aspen Mt Rivendells 1st Class Ticket 4/29
Round Mountain BR Sugar Rush Mt Rivendells 1st Class Ticket 4/17
Coyote Kidz Gelato Coyote Kidz Howl Pendragon 4/14
Goat Forest Farm Over The Moon Coyote Kidz First Class FR8 4/3
Calstock Buisy Bee (Lamancha) Calstock Bourbon Street 4/24
Goat Forest Farm Amy Mt Rivendells First Class Ticket 4/29
Goat Forest Farm Penny Mt Rivendells First Class Ticket 4/21
High Prairie Be Cee N U Calstock Bourbon Street 5/11

Reservation Policy

Goat Forest Farm Reserves the right to retain ANY kids from any breedings regardless of reservations.

There is No deposit required prior to birth to make a reservation. Performance homes are given preference.

When your kid is born a half down deposit is required within two weeks of your notification of the birth of your reserved kid. If the deposit is not received then the next buyer in line will be offered the kid. We understand that bottle feeding is time consuming and simply not in the cards for everyone. As long as  the deposit is received, we are willing to keep bottle kids until 8 weeks of age at no additional cost. The remaining balance is due by 8 weeks old. Dam raised kids will be available for pickup at 8 weeks old. If we need to keep any kid past 8 weeks old it will become a boarding situation and you will be charged $2 per day board (Please see sales policy’s on sale page). If  full payment is not received by 8 weeks of age (or other arraignments made and agreed upon in writing) then deposit is forfeited and the kid will be back available for purchase. If you decide to not purchase a kid that you have put a deposit on or can’t find transportation then the deposit will be forfeited and kid will be sold to the next buyer on the wait list. If you have put a deposit on a kid and can not pick it up, please communicate this to us as soon as possible, we are willing to discuss options for rolling deposits over to the next kidding season. Shipping, transportation, health certificates, any requested testing, and vet fees will be done at the buyers expense. We are happy to facilitate the Vet appointments but all fees must be paid prior to the kid leaving our property.


Open communication is key to happy customers and happy goats! Written above is our general expectations but we understand that every sale is unique. If the above rules don’t fit your hopes and dreams please reach out to us. We are willing to work with people!