Coyote Kidz First Class FR8

Sire: Oak Apple Ardent +*B

SS: SG Old Mountain Farm Cernunnos ++*B

SD: SG Old Mountain Farm Helen 3*M

Dam: Gabhran Creek I H8 Ironing

DS: Gabhran Creek Forged N Fire

DD: GCH Rockstar Ranch lil Black Dress 1*M.

     2 x reserve Grand Champion

     1 x  Grand Champion

     1 x Best in Show 

We couldn't be more proud of this sweet natured buck. When he came to us he had been used very minimally and had never been shown. Since coming to live with us he has been very successful in the show ring and the few daughters that he does have been doing great on milk test with at least one earning her star in her first lactation. We just adore this buck and we are so thankful to Mellonee Grange for allowing us to purchase him as well as tanks for testing and proving his daughters!!! We have high hopes to get another daughter on milk tests this summer! 

Mt Rivendells 1st Class Ticket

Sire: Old Mountain Farm Toru Quinn

SS: Old Mountain Farm Inlikequinn +*B

SD: Old Mountain Farm Tsukiko

Dam: Cuatlilredbarn Lost Ticket

DS: Old Mountain Farm Hot Ticket *B

DD: Cuatlilredbarn Lost-N-A-Hurry 1*M

        If you like old mountain farm lines then look no further. Ticket is a young buck that we purchased as a Kid in 2022. He produces VERY correct and CLASSY Kids! We are so excited to say that ticket is throwing lots of MOONSPOTS as well as his beautiful blue eyes and lots of chocolate! We knew that there was a chance that he had a moonspot as there were some suspicious looking moldy spots however until this springs kids hit the ground we were not positive. Boy are they FANCY!!! Several of his daughters were shown this year and consistently placed at the top of their classes. One even winning best Jr Doe in show at the Bigsky Country State fair!

Coyote Kidz Howl Pendragon

Sire: Old Mountain Farm Chevalier +B

SS: Old Mountain Farm Stag Knight *B

SD: Old Mountain Farm French Toast

Dam: GCH Coyote Kidz MR Nausica 7*M 

DS: Oak Apple Max Rebo

DD: Camanna Rm Painted Lady 6*M.

       Although Dragon is new to us this year we have complete faith that he will help us improve our herd greatly with strength and length! He is sired by one of our favorite bucks Old Mountain Farm Chevalier. We absolutely love the consistent "Chevalier" style. His dam (udder picture above) was in the top 20 at nationals in 2023 and collected her last Grand Champion leg as well! Her 2023 LA score was VVEV 87.

*dams udder picture courtesy of Coyote Kidz 

Dill's ROD Loose Lips *B

Sire: Dill's FW Ride or Die *B

SS: Dill's TS Firewater *B

SD: Dill's XM Keena 4*M

Dam: Dill's TS Kiss N Tell 3*M

DS: Dill's D Two-Step ++*B

DD: Dill's D Secret 2*M

       Take a look at this guys pedigree! We are so excited to have the chance to add these fantastic heavy milking lines to our program! “Lippy’s” Dam was 4th in her Class at 2021 Nationals and his sires dam was the 2013 Reserve National Champion! There truly is absolutely no holes in this fellas genetics! We are hoping that he will help us to improve our udders as well as add length and beautiful hind ends! 

Springwater PPT Atlas *B

Sire- Poppy Patch OR Titan +B
SS- Alethia DJ Orion +*B
SD- Poppy Patch HB Cartier
Dam- GCH (pending) Springwater AL Hellooo Nurse 7*M
DS- SG Sugar Moon NS Alejandro +*B
DD- SH Springwater SMKY Kalie Kaboom 6*M


This handsome fella came to us from the Round Mountain herd. This guy has some really cool genetics that we can’t wait to cross on some of our ladies. Atlas had kind of been a wall flower in the buck pen because he is just not extreme in any one category but the more I am around him the better I like him. He is another buck that should help to improve udders in our herd as well as just overall strength and balance. 

*Photos courtesy of Crissy Thomas

2024 Bucklings

Round Mountain Brothers Bond  

Sire: Wolfivan CQ Kentucky Bourbon 

SS: Old Mountain Farm Cyrus Quinn

SD: SGCH Joyful Hearts KR Phoebe 2*M, 4*D

Dam: Walsh Kids VV Guinevere 

DS: Sierra Aspen BI Vincent Vega

DD:Algedi Farm MH Avalon


*picture of dam courtesy of Crissy Thomas 

Round Mountain Makers Mark

Sire: Wolfivan CQ Kentucky Bourbon 

SS: Old Mountain Farm Cyrus Quinn

SD: SGCH Joyful Hearts KR Phoebe 2*M, 4*D

Dam: Irish Creek Farms Lavendar

DS: Owlhaven SW Indiana Jones *B

DD: Walsh Kids VV Guinevere 


*picture of dam courtesy of Crissy Thomas 

Calstock Bourbon Street 

Sire: Rocken-CB KT  Ritcher

SS: Kastdemur’s Trendsetter

SD: Rocken-CM AAM  Parker

Dam: Lucky*Star’s RJ Parade

DS: Rocken-CB KWY Jaingxi

DS: SGCH Lucky*Star’s LX Drama


*dams udder photo courtesy of Calstock Dairy Goats