Check back Starting in early April for available doelings! 


Sire: Anchors Aweigh S Jasper

SS:Hyalite MQ Saros

SD: Anchors Aweigh JW Black Pearl

Dam: Coyote Kidz Cerise Rouge

DS: Old Mountain FarmChevalier +B

DD: Coyote Kidz Seraphina 4*M


This is a cool little doe with some cool breeding. Once again I think she was just passed over because of her color or lac of it I should say. However she has the cutest frosted nose and ears! This is a very long and angular doeling so if that is something that you are hoping to add to your herd then she may be the right little gal for you. 

Coyote Kidz Eggja Stone

4*M (2017 doe) 

Barn name - Eggja


Sire: Oak Apple Presto +*B

SS: Proctor Hill Farm To Go Daddy ++B

SD: SG Old Mountain Farm Fast Tempo 4*M

Dam: SG Old Mountain Farm Anahid 3*M

DS: SG Old Mountain Farm Bold Elk +*B

DD: Old Mountain Farm Anahita 2*M


Eggja, Brood doe extraordinaire! Eggja is an older lady who had been producing phenomenal daughters for her previous owner and she has given us a few as well that we have retained. For this reason only, Eggja is for sale to the right home where she can continue to bless the breed with her awesome genetics. 

Eggja is currently bred to a beautiful son of Wolfivan Kentucky Bourbon for mid April kids. The buck that she is bred to is gold with moon spots and blue eyes so there is lots of potential for COLOR!!! 

These kids should be extremely milky and competitive! 


Triple R Ridge Prince Quinn

Barn name - Prince


open to offers


Sire: Old Mountain Farm Damon Quinn

SS: Old Mountain Farm Darius Quinn *B

SD: Old Mountian Farm Arizona 

Dam: Cedar View Tiara 5*M

DS: SGCH Little Tot’s Estate Thalictrum ++*B

DD: Little Tots Estate Inuit 4*M

Quinn is an exceptionally nice buck with an amazing front end assembly. Quinn has a lot of greats in his pedigree as well to back up his claim to excellence. He is a big boy with amazing presence and strength. If you are looking for a buck to help with strength, front ends, general appearance and strong legs then this guy fits that bill! Not much to pick on with this guy. 

Please read all sale rules prior to purchasing a goat from us!


Prices currently Start at $250 and go up from there. Prices may fluctuate due to the market, age, quality, productivity, show records, and thriftiness of the animal. The lower price starting point is not a reflection of the quality but rather a reflection of the current MARKET in our area! 

We reserve the right to refuse any sale at any time for any reason. Animals are sold as is, so please do your due diligence and know what you are purchasing. We will lot guarantee height! When Purchasing a goat from Goat Forest Farm, you agree that we have the first right of refusal, at the original or fair price should you sell the goat at a later date. 


We will NOT hold animals without an half down deposit. Unless otherwise discussed, all weaned animals sold must be paid for in full and be picked up within two weeks of sale/deposit. After the two weeks it becomes a boarding situation and board will be charged as $2 per day. We will not be held liable for the death, injury, or illness of your animal. Vet costs will be the responsibility of the buyer. Deposits/payments are nonrefundable! We understand that bottle feeding kids is not something that everyone has the time to do. If you are purchasing a bottle kid, we are willing to keep the kid at no extra cost up to 8 weeks old free of board. During this time we can not be held responsible for death, injury, or illness of your animal and vet costs will be your responsibility. After 8 weeks old, board is $2 per day.


Should an emergency occur with an animal that you have purchased or put a deposit on, we will make a reasonable attempt to contact you and discuss a plan of action prior to calling a vet for treatment of the animal. However, if we are unable to reach you in a reasonable amount of time (may very depending on the emergency) we will do whatever we feel is necessary for the wellbeing of the animal. 


Due to Biosecurity, once an animal has left the property, they can not be returned. We guarantee that all animals sold are healthy and thriving to the best of our knowledge unless otherwise stated at the time of the sale. Goats often get sick during transport and the stress of moving. It’s just a goat fact. Please be prepared for your new addition. Once an animal leaves our property we will NOT  guarantee its future health, growth, production, or quality. We have done everything we can to make sure that we are breeding quality healthy animals however we cannot control gene combinations. We will only sell healthy animals and only allow healthy animals to leave our property. Once they leave our property we are not responsible for the animals health. 

We do periodically do biosecurity screening in our herd however if you require a biosecurity screening beyond what the animal currently has this will be done at the buyers request and expense. For some testing, we can pull our own blood and we are happy to send it to the lab of your choice. Some testing does require a vet. Some transporters may require health certificates. We are happy to facilitate this as well. All bio security testing and health screening will be done at the buyers expense. 


Confirming correctness of conformation is the buyers responsibility at the time of sale. We are not responsible for how a kid grows and matures once they leave. If you find that there is an obvious genetic flaw in the animal that we missed at the time of sale such as an obvious teat defect, hermaphrodite, etc, we will require a written statement from yourself describing the issue as soon as possible and depending on the defect, we may require one from a licensed vet veterinarian as well. At that time we will be happy to discuss a replacement animal of equal value.


Unless otherwise discussed and in writing, we will consider all buyers aware of our sale policy’s as written above. We understand that every sale is unique so if there is a question or concern, or your plans do not fit with the above written policy’s we are happy to discuss alternative arrangements.